Path of Leveling
Latest Release update Switching to beta with the introduction of the new UI.
This is an alpha version, bugs included, if you find an error or crash or bug please report it in this page
and consider creating a pastebin with the latest log, found in your Documents/Path of Leveling folder.
Assisting overlay with an advanced GUI editor written in Java for Path of Exile.
Get the latest Version, updated March 10th 2019
Pastebin build example : pastebin
A quick overview of the application running can be found in this video.
Join Path of Leveling’s Discord server if you need help or have suggestions
Some final words,
I am a pre graduate Student of Computer Science and this project is far from being professional or completed.
As far as future update of this,I am planning to update the programm to keep up with the newest expansions.
Im hoping to fix some major issues at February of 2019, when I will have some spare time.
If anyone is interested in helping, improving or anything on this project let me know!